Talk about TAPE DELAY!
To maximize the love rays, we enlisted a group dubbed The Camelot Six: Carey Gustafson (Outrageous Cherry, Serenity Court), Emily Gustafson (Serenity Court), Adam Pierce (Mother Whale, The Meadowlarks), Dave Lawson (The Pop Project, The Sights), Scott Masson (office, The Juliets), Dan Demaggio (Data Demaggio, Coyote Clean Up) & Angela Duncan. The lot of us stripped down & just let those good vibes flow! Listen & love, cos it's all you need.
*These sessions were committed to actual tape in actual 2009, and were thought to be lost to time. Alas, we have luckily found the cartridges in a musty-dusty shoe box, reassembled the data and restored the recordings to their original murky-quirky patina.
Recording session photos below...
A new single called Echo's Winter
Every few years we brew up something new in the way of a wintry mix.
Computer Perfection, strange echos, Bem's voice, Gene's theme, Penny on cello, the sage advice of Little Tommy Daniels, the wise observations of Mr. Burgundy, the solstice. It is time for winter weather. And just in the nick of Christmas, we moved the recording studio out of the basement into a spare upper room with nice southern light and charmingly creaky acoustics. The whole basement studio thing never really worked out anyhow. I blame it for our dearth of new material.
So make some good food, drink some good vino, stare at the fire, think about this year and next, stay up late, watch vintage Xmas animations in bed, sleep well.
Available on most streaming services, most everywhere. Bandcamp link below. More soon.
Computer Perfection, strange echos, Bem's voice, Gene's theme, Penny on cello, the sage advice of Little Tommy Daniels, the wise observations of Mr. Burgundy, the solstice. It is time for winter weather. And just in the nick of Christmas, we moved the recording studio out of the basement into a spare upper room with nice southern light and charmingly creaky acoustics. The whole basement studio thing never really worked out anyhow. I blame it for our dearth of new material.
So make some good food, drink some good vino, stare at the fire, think about this year and next, stay up late, watch vintage Xmas animations in bed, sleep well.
Available on most streaming services, most everywhere. Bandcamp link below. More soon.
You may already own a Boby.
Ladies & Gentleman! You Blessed Denizens of the Wild Untamed Electric Wilderness!
You may already own a Boby Tarlow & think you understand it. You may caress its fur, stroke its assorted collage of clockwork components & plan your romantic afternoon countryside getaways in a boozy bucolic haze, just you & your sweetly cooing Boby. I assure you, kind, gentle lovers, you have it all wrong. The closer you get to your Boby, the further it gets away. Your Boby is but an astral snowflake on your astral palm.
Please, allow me to illustrate.
Take, for instance, the tense push & pull & wildly gesticulating ambulations of the Computer Perfection/Dan Demaggio exploration, "Boby Tarlow". Surreally unhinged, danceably inviting, affirmative of both life & love, Demaggio's short film set to Computer Perfection's synth-ful song meanders through a technicolor autopsy of the dismantled psychic interiors of a wild Boby Tarlow found hiding in the garage one morning. "Hey Boby," the collaboration muses, "what's up?" Perhaps Boby answers then or perhaps its answers are divined by the wild angles & chromatic roller coaster Demaggio has pasted together. Is the technicolor origami a representation of Boby's inner unanswerable yearning or have the fleas just gotten too close to its brain? Will Boby's true heart of holy flame awaken finally as a result of this offering or was it ever even really there?
Finally, you see: there is Boby but there is no Boby.
south south million / a friend made this
I served with Trevor Naud, I knew Trevor Naud, Trevor Naud was a friend of mine. You're no Trevor Naud.
listen here and you will not find disappointment.
Kickstarter campaign to make Danny DeMaggio's origami reality a dream!!!

Computer Perfection just released a 5-song EP in a limited edition run of 100 cassettes, with MP3 download available for the purists. Track 3, Boby Tarlow, floats somewhere in an ethereal 8-bit never world... bombing the bass... sampling old toy keyboards and twisting it into absurdly tongue-tied Koopa Troopa chants.
We seek to raise funds in order to hire artist and director Mister DeMaggio, tasking him with creating the appropriate visual accompaniment to our 3 minute pop song. Listen here...
Mister DeMaggio’s unfiltered and unguided proposal to the band prompted us to devise a plan to make it happen: In 2011, I was again approached by the band Computer Perfection to create a video for the song “Boby Tarlow”. Initially, the lyrics call out “Hey Toby” before the chorus becomes “Oh Boby Tarlow.” Mysterious as this insignificant change was, my research of the name conjured up its hidden reworking of one Toby Barlow: Creative Director and Author. The band was not interested in focusing on the individual; they claimed that they were merely amusing themselves with their friend’s name. I wanted to appreciate some reference to an artist in the brainstorming phase, so I proposed an ongoing paper-fold transition, starting with a blank business card that generated colorful 2D and 3D animations as the song gradually became a chant surrounded in origami.
The Merry Microbes EP
"The most beautiful memories are those of childhood." - Andrei Tarkovsky
The new Computer Perfection EP opens with oblique references to that scene from the birch forest in Andrei Tarkovsky's Ivan's Childhood. This I tell you because it doesn't matter. Jagged guitars, Byzantine synth lines and a resolute rhythm section shepherd gentle harmonies through the trenches and swamps of an imagined war film. Proxima takes the whole mess, and in under two minutes, stipples its ambrosial mix across a starry sky. Boby Tarlow brings things back to Earth, almost. Floating somewhere in an ethereal 8-bit neverworld... bombing the bass... sampling old toy keyboards and twisting it into absurdly tongue-tied Koopa Troopa chants. Mystery Song rounds out Side A with an instrumental piece that contemplates a shoe box crammed with monochrome slides of poorly lit interiors.
Side B, make of it what you will. We did. It ends up where side A begins, with the original study for Ivan, I Know.
Here I'll mention that there are 100 limited edition custom, hand-made cassettes available for purchase. Don't worry, each comes with an MP3 download link for the purists.
Five compositions are freed from the constraints of linear logic. They recall a time before we knew anything. They are the foreboding of imminent misfortune and unbelievable luck. They are the reminder that there is nothing we know, other than this shit matters.
Side B, make of it what you will. We did. It ends up where side A begins, with the original study for Ivan, I Know.
Here I'll mention that there are 100 limited edition custom, hand-made cassettes available for purchase. Don't worry, each comes with an MP3 download link for the purists.
Five compositions are freed from the constraints of linear logic. They recall a time before we knew anything. They are the foreboding of imminent misfortune and unbelievable luck. They are the reminder that there is nothing we know, other than this shit matters.
- Computer Perfection's autobiographer