We're looking for a bassist to round our musical troupe out! The band currently consists of four former members of PAS/CAL & is signed to the Le Grand Magistery label for whom we have just completed a full-length record. We are now looking to begin practicing & performing our songs in a live setting in the Detroit area.
Our ideal candidate:
1. Has a plucky bass style in the vein of McCartney, Broadcast, Serge Gainsbourg, et al.
2. {UPDATE} has been found. Thank you for the responses.
Let's update.
Computer Perfection LP1:
Title: We Wish You Well On Your Way To Hell
Mixing: Dave Allison
Artwork: Andy Ohioboy, Computer Perfection & Friends
Slowly, surely, Computer Perfection pushes forward into the future. Phase 1 is now complete & we are hacking our way into the thick of Phase 2. Dave Allison of Rustbelt Studios is hard at work making sense of our musical scribbles. Andy Taray will be doing the same of our non-musical scribbles for the packaging. A beautiful storm is brewing, indeed.
Here are some FALL FUN photos from the last month.

Gene & Penny trick-or-treat.

Cake costume in progress.

Bem puts the finishing touches on cake.

Cake costume is ready!

Hidden Ghost Balloon Ship [feat. Trevor Naud & LTD] at the Magic Stick's Zombie Dance Party.

The Halloween scene. Scary!

Edgar has a snack.

Penny entertains Stephanie, Meema & Nathan on Halloween night.
A couple quick notes:
Yes, the cake costume was handmade by the boundlessly talented Bem!
I saw a UFO soaring above Ferndale on Halloween night!
November 4th: Computer Perfection heaves a collective & dramatic sigh of relief.
We'll talk soon!
Nathan B.
Title: We Wish You Well On Your Way To Hell
Mixing: Dave Allison
Artwork: Andy Ohioboy, Computer Perfection & Friends
Slowly, surely, Computer Perfection pushes forward into the future. Phase 1 is now complete & we are hacking our way into the thick of Phase 2. Dave Allison of Rustbelt Studios is hard at work making sense of our musical scribbles. Andy Taray will be doing the same of our non-musical scribbles for the packaging. A beautiful storm is brewing, indeed.
Here are some FALL FUN photos from the last month.

Cake costume in progress.

Bem puts the finishing touches on cake.

Cake costume is ready!

Hidden Ghost Balloon Ship [feat. Trevor Naud & LTD] at the Magic Stick's Zombie Dance Party.

The Halloween scene. Scary!

Edgar has a snack.

Penny entertains Stephanie, Meema & Nathan on Halloween night.
A couple quick notes:
Yes, the cake costume was handmade by the boundlessly talented Bem!
I saw a UFO soaring above Ferndale on Halloween night!
November 4th: Computer Perfection heaves a collective & dramatic sigh of relief.
We'll talk soon!
Nathan B.