Kid Food.

The night started off innocently enough. We head to Cass Cafe for a quick bite and some drinks. I startwith a Motor City Nut Brown, and then move to a Nut-Blaster (that's 1/2 N.B., 1/2 Ghettoblaster). And the chicken tenders with ranch.

LTD:“Who orders chicken tenders with ranch? What are you, eight?”

Whatever. He ordered whole milk and some Fruit Roll-Ups. Turns out Monique doesn’t like Cass CafĂ©, yet she likes AJ’s in Ferndale, home of the 70’s mom sandwich. Thanks for the bologna on Wonder white, mom. I’ll sprinkle some mashed up Pringles on it too, then we’ll watch Thundercats.

So we played a show at The Belmont that wasn’t all that great cuz we only practiced once. My guitar was crapping out, a huge distraction. But Scott Allen’s new group was tight. Alan James was touchingly talented.

Finished the night with Tate serving rounds of Johnny Walker Red, till that ran out. Then I had a cup of the Black before we head back to LTD’s Dragon Studio with a bag full of garbage from 7-11. Never get the Pepperoni, Cheese and Sauce Roll-Up by the way. It tasted as described.

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