How are you, lil' baby? Did you have a fantastic holiday? A sublime New Year?
Us? Oh, we're doing fine, thanks! We continue on into 2009 with the completion of our full-length debut, We Wish You Well On Your Way To Hell. Details are being sewn together; a couple pieces that have broken off have been hot-glued back on. I might have to let out the waist a little bit, I'm afraid I may have put on a small bit of weight over the holidays. In general: cleaning, editing, mixing, drawing. Polish!
Oh yes & we are putting together a live show spectacular. These are the first practices we've done together in years, mind you! YEARS! It truly is like riding a bike, though. What a difference having a Little Tommy Daniels makes, my dear. As soon as those drums kick in: goodnight nurse! Oh, LTD, make the dream real.
[Speaking of which, has anyone heard the Morrissey tune 'Glamorous Glue' used in the ads for the new Tim Roth Fox Series 'Lie To Me'?]
Concurrently, Gene has been helming a voyage into the uncharted seas of video-making. Our plans: one video per song. Ten videos! Oh, we've got the concepts. Gene's ensuring we have the know-how. I'll see you all on YouTube.
Okay, okay. I'll let you all get back to work - but before going I shall leave with a couple gifts:
The Axolotl salamander:

Powder 2: Powder 2 The People:
Let The Right One In:
New Year's Eve dinner:

[Oxtail dumplings, duck, shrimp salad, oysters, bacon-n-blue cheese prunes, assorted veggies, lots of wine, champagne & so on]
See you soon!
Nathan Burgundy
Computer Perfection
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